New Member Educator for the Student Activities Board

Kyle Trojahn

I hope to maintain 100% retention for both the Spring 2018 and Fall 2018 New Member Classes. Of course, there are situations that may arise that cannot be controlled (i.e. a student transfers or needs to drop out due to financial circumstances), but I want to do my best to encourage members to stay on the board. Typical reasons for dropping include, but are not limited to: not feeling like they fit in with the board socially, not enjoying the act of planning campus events, and/or disliking the time commitment the board requires. It is my job as New Member Educator to work with each new member consistently throughout the semester to resolve board-related and personal issues that may arise in order to get them to stay on the board.

In order to solve these issues with member retention, I hope to revitalize the responsibilities of being a New Member Educator. After being approved into the role, I was given a fairly basic template on how to complete it. However, in order to see change, I need to switch things up a bit (detailed more in the “Goals” section). I want to create a more personal connection with each new member, make weekly meetings more intriguing, foster a community environment both in their class and on SAB as a whole, and

By the end of my role as New Member Educator, I hope there will be roughly 15 new SAB members that feel intrinsically motivated to maintain and improve the Student Activities Board. The grounding principal values of my vision are embodied by encouraging openness, brotherhood (community), integrity, time-management and ultimately (and most importantly) hard work. I am proud to hold this position as the direct effects of my work can be seen for years after my tenure on the board.


  1. Individually meet-up or check-in with each new member at least once per month
  2. Put forth enough effort to make each weekly new member meeting interesting
  3. Research universally applicable strategies to manage SAB and college life
  4. Teach said strategies to new members at weekly meetings and one-on-one’s
  5. Make the SAB curriculum more interesting by integrating activities

Status: In-progress

Level of Outreach: Campus

Keywords: Curriculum, Education, Student Activities, and Training
