Publicity & Research for the Kohlenberg Lyceum Series

Lillian Brink

The goal of the project was to work with the Kohlenberg Lyceum Committee and specifically my mentor Zac Burden to develop and implement a publicity plan for the series with the goal of establishing a strong media presence, increasing attendance, and implementing a attendance information database. After the four show season, the number of likes on the Kohlenberg Lyceum Series grew by 54%, name recognition grew by 31%, and an average of 822 people attended each show, exceeding my goal of 800. As I am returning to the Kohlenberg Lyceum committee as a student at large next year, I look forward to continuing to publicize the series so that students are fully aware of the incredible performances they have access to.

Status: Completed and/or Self-Sustaining

Level of Outreach: Community, Local, and Campus

Keywords: Collaboration, Performance, Publicity, and Research

Subheadings: Advertising & Public Relations, Musical & Performance Arts, Social Media, and View All